Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Keeping the Bed Bugs Out of Your Home

On a previous post, I gave you information on an epidemic that is plaguing the hotel industry. Bed bugs. Little brown bugs that feed at night and have become resistant to the "new" chemical treatments. If you travel a lot to the major cities of Cincinnati, Chicago, New York or you travel internationally, you want to be on the look out at home for these little stowaways.

If you suspect you have an issue you at home, inspect the area as you would the hotel room. Remember it only takes one bug to create an infestation.

The most common areas/items to find these pests is in:

1. Apartment & Dorm Room Living. The bugs like to crawl between walls. So, if your neighbor is infested, it's a matter of time before you will be too. This makes it difficult for you to permanently get rid of them, since your neighbor will also need to be proactive in removing them.

2. Used Furniture and clothing. This is more difficult as the bugs can hide in the creases & seams unnoticed. If you bring used items into your home, you have created your own source of trouble.

3. Guests. The biggest source here is kids coming home from school during the holidays. Dorms have seen there fair share of the epidemic in recent years.

4. Your Occupation. If you are of the service industry that requires you to go in & out of residences, you can easily pick up from one home and deliver to yours.

Now we know how you can get them in your home. Now, you ask, how do I get rid of them?
The pest control industry will tell you that bed bugs are the hardest pest to irraddicate. If you have a serious infestation, you need to call a reputable pest control company (my recommendations are listed below). Don't try a do-it-yourself chemical treatment. These professionals know what they are doing and can advise you as to what the treatment will entail from start to finish.

Along with the Pest Control, your help is required too. Two things you need to know about bed bugs, they don't like heat and they don't like cold. Launder your bedding and clothing in very hot, hot water and dry on the hottest setting. In the winter months, take the mattress/boxspring, furniture outside in the cold. Two days at 0 degrees will do the trick. This kills the bed bugs at all stages of life. Home hygiene is the key along with early detection.

Need a Pest Control Company? I highly recommend these two companies: Innovative Pest Management and Stewart's Pest Control.

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