Monday, June 28, 2010

Purchasing a new Desktop, Laptop, Netbook

I want to share some great information regarding purchasing new computers from

Pieri Levandofsky of Working Women Connection

Here are a few things to keep in mind….especially when the deal seems unbelievable!

If you buy from a store: Reviewing the mailers you’ll see good deals, but you won’t be able to “customize” these.

If you buy it online: You can customize, sometimes get extra discounts or free shipping, but you’ll have to wait for the pc to arrive.

Netbooks: This is a great option if you need something portable and just want to do some email and search the Internet. The problem with these are that the screen size is very small, you’ll also probably sacrifice on amount of RAM and the hard drive space as well as the processor may be “budget type”, in addition to this many of the Netbooks don’t come with a DVD or CD-Rom drive.

Keep the following in mind when looking at “deals”:

The hard drive should have at least a capacity of 300 gigabytes, the processor should be Dual Core especially if you’re using Vista or Windows 7, you should be able to get a DVD-RW drive so you can burn and view CDs and DVDs. What are you using the pc for?

Virus protection sometimes comes with it; if not then use a free antivirus program like AVG. If you need word processing programs check if you can bundle this in, often you can get a great deal if you buy it at the time you purchase the computer (when you’re ordering the pc online).

The warranty will guarantee the parts but if you have software issues or end up with a virus in most cases this is not a warranty issue so be carefully about purchasing too many years of warranty.

Setting up the computer: In most cases it is not just about plugging it in and off you go! You should be ready to spend a couple of hours setting it up. You have to get it unpacked, plugged in, get online, set up your email, perform windows updates, and activate and register multiple programs already in your computer. Then set up your printer if you have one. Also if you have multiple computers and need a router, you have to set that up. If you’re transferring data from the old computer to the new that’s another task there.

If you don’t want to hassle with all this, call PC Computing 330 952-1011 we will do it for you! Unpack it, set it up, do all the activating of programs and windows updates, install antivirus, set up email and printer as well as transfer photos and documents for $129.

Pieri Levandofsky

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